Mutant World
2014 Movie
A decade after a disastrous meteor impact wipes out most of society, a group of survivalists emerge to find themselves on a twisted version of the old Earth, with a nascent society besieged by vicious marauders, ferocious mutants, and the dreadful symptoms of a post-apocalyptic environment. Together they meet a mysterious traveler who claims a safe haven exists, but in order to reach it, or even survive through the terrible nights, they will have to stand together and prepare for all-out war.
Cast: Kim Coates, Holly Deveaux, Ashanti
Directors: David Winning
Producers: Chad Oakes, Michael Frislev
Co-Producer: Jay Daniel Beechinor
Associate Producer: Petros Danabassis
Broadcaster: SyFy Network, Superchannel
Mutants invade Strathmore, Calgary, in apocalyptic thriller starring Kim Coates